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Rule the Field With Your Football Ads

On 19th June 2018

The biggest event of the summer has begun.

Of course, it’s the 2018 FIFA World Cup, which is always accompanied by some creative and memorable advertising. That’s why today we’d like to dribble through a few memorable examples of football ads from the past, and then assist you with some cool ideas you can use for both web and mobile.

Blow the whistle, because it’s time for kick-off!

Brazilian bus stop – as an actual goal

Football ads example 1Image by Arturo de Albornoz, via Flickr

Waiting for the bus is always boring. Why not hold a penalty shoot-out? Just ask whoever is waiting there with you to stand between the posts, you shoot first and then you switch.

OK, maybe that’s a bad idea, with traffic and all… But a great piece of advertising nonetheless, wouldn’t you agree?

Giant Oliver Kahn

Football ads example 2Image by Arturo de Albornoz, via Flickr

Talk about goalkeeping, remember one of the all-time greats – “Der Titan”, Herr Oliver Kahn? Here’s a giant billboard ad featuring him arching over a highway in Munich, Germany.

This is how huge he was for the German national team in the 2002 FIFA World Cup, when he became the only goalkeeper in the tournament’s history to win the Golden Ball (the award for best player). Also, a case of some serious bridgevertising!

Adidas TV Commercial

Here’s one of those iconic football-themed TV commercials. Not only do they feature the icons of the sport, like Zidane, Beckham and the aforementioned Kahn, they also ingeniously incorporate CGI to bring young Franz Beckenbauer and Michel Platini to the screen.

Plus, when one of the kids says “soy capitan” after the coin toss… The stuff of legend.

“I wish I had some fun football ads to put on my web…”

Since football is the name of the game here, let us introduce you to some of ClickAttack’s recent work. We make some very engaging interactive web banners, an example of which you can see below.

This is literally a penalty shootout, within a web banner! Seriously, how fun is that?! Research has shown that users who wouldn’t click on this and shoot at least one attempt don’t care that much about football…

However, this is not the only type of web banners ClickAttack is known for. We specialize in all kinds of different formats, like gamified, parallax, interscroller… You name it.

We also offer Chrome-friendly formats, meaning that its adblocker add-ons don’t block them. To put it in football terms, it’s like taking a free kick, but without the players’ wall blocking your shot – you shoot straight for the goal (or in this case, the user).

Vision is key

Web and mobile banners can be much more than mere images. You can utilize them to achieve considerable interaction with users, which leads to some impressive campaign results.

Like in football, where many of the tactics have already been studied through and through, you need to be creative in conquering the field.

Shooting penalties within banners is just one example. Think of football ads where users can swipe, shake or tilt to reveal a hidden player, or select their favorite ones, which could then lead them to a certain offer or a product.

Maybe even let users create their own custom jersey with your brand’s logo…

Chatbots also come into play

Some of our fascinating products are so-called “chatbots”. You can also find them under the names such as talkbot, chatterbot, IM bot or simply – Bot.

If you haven’t heard of any these, they’re basically computer programs which interact with users (hence the “chat” prefix).

Chatbots often act as customer support, by searching through keywords in text messages users send, or simply offer predetermined answers users can click to get what they want. (The latest DAMconf proved they can even make great conference hosts.)

For example, if you have a sports store, you can employ chatbots as sales assistants. Your chatty robot friend can give users a few options to click on, like “football boots”, “jerseys” or “footballs/soccer balls”, and then open up a new menu with a selected category of products to choose from.

Football ads - chatbot

Additionally, if you have any type of a sports-related site (say, betting), you can incorporate chatbots to enable your users to see results, statistics, schedules and so forth, all within the chatbot.

Also, chatbots can be featured in the most popular messaging apps, like Viber or Facebook Messenger. You can read more about using Viber chatbots here.

“What can ClickAttack do for me?”

Well, you can find out for yourself by contacting us. Of course, you don’t have to use banners and chatbots exclusively in your football ads – these are tactics you can use anyway you want, to help your team win.

Just like football, the sport of advertising is a fierce competition. Always keep your eyes on the prize, and remember – ClickAttack can be your most valuable teammate!

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