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Programmatic Selling? It Means Selling More, Faster

On 19th August 2018

Having trouble finding advertisers?

Selling your impressions under price?

Stuck with a bunch of unsold inventory, or worse – not even aware that it’s unsold?

Use programmatic selling – it means taking control, selling more, AND for more money.


What is programmatic anyway

Oh, it’s just the future of advertising, right at your doorstep… It’s a faster, cheaper and more precise way of buying and selling online ads.

And when we say future, we mean this:

Some estimates say that by 2020, programmatic advertising will account for 86.3% of all digital display advertising in the US.

But if you’re a publisher who is new to all this, you probably wonder –

How do I benefit from programmatic selling?

Well, allow us to offer several answers:

Access more demand with programmatic selling

By using a software called Supply-Side Platform, or SSP in short, publishers can find more demand and sell their ad spaces for a higher price.

An SSP is a piece of ad tech which is connected to a wide range of ad exchanges and ad networks. It’s also connected to lots of advertisers’ Demand-Side Platforms (DSPs). Both of these platforms use automated processes to negotiate prices.

So in short, an SSP does programmatic sales and benefits the sell side, while advertisers do programmatic buying with a DSP.

(If it’s easier, just translate programmatic as “automated“.)


A world of new buyers is out there

Connecting to many ad exchanges and ad networks lets you offer your ad spaces to a large pool of potential buyers, all at the same time.

This can help you reach new demand, which you might not have even known of before.

We should also add that the whole process is by no means slow – it takes less than a second to find buyers!

Maximize revenue with programmatic selling

As you probably know, going from one advertiser to the other and negotiating for the price of each impression takes a whole lot of money and time.

You must have also noticed that your best ad positions sell first, while others remain empty, leaving gaping holes in your inventory.


But, thanks to programmatic selling…

…the process of negotiating is now much easier! Your SSP will automatically find the highest bid for your ad positions, through bidding happening in real-time.

This means that you can easily maximize the value of each impression, with less cost.

Not only does it make the whole thing less painful, it also helps you discover more advertisers and offer your previously unsold inventory to them, which leads to a higher fill rate.

In reality, that’s just a longer way of saying: more profit for you!

Control your inventory with programmatic selling

An SSP gives you complete control over management and sales of your ad inventory – from setting the minimum price of a single impression, to the selection of preferred buyers.

Nothing is sold under value… not on SSP’s watch!

With transparent reporting, you can easily get a complete insight into the buying and bidding process. Customize your reports and use them to identify new opportunities, discover trends and adjust prices in real-time, as the bidding happens.


Recapping the benefits

OK, so what have we learned today? Using an SSP, you can:

  • Access more demand
  • Sell what’s left unsold
  • Get complete control over your inventory

Also, it reduces the costs of media selling, leaving you more spare time for other tasks.

And all of this means…

It’s faster, cheaper and reaps more profit!

So, to do programmatic selling right, you will need a quality SSP.

Luckily, ClickAttack partners get exclusive access to the highly-praised AdCumulus Supply-Side Platform.

Its simple, intuitive interface has everything you need to take your business to the next level, and launch your marketing into the future!

Enjoy better results with programmatic selling

Are you still dreaming of selling more of your ad positions for a better price, AND a lot faster?

Well don’t just sit there, contact us today and start your own programmatic journey!

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